About CHI:

In 2013 we approached Dayananda Sagar School of Architecture (or rather the Dean Dr Rama R Subrahmanian) with a proposal to set up a 'conservation cell', as we then dubbed it, under the aegis of their institute. We proposed that we i.e. Saythu would be knowledge partners and DSSA would be infrastructure partners. The idea took off in due course of time (2014) and we informally launched the Centre for Heritage Initiatives based on an MoU with DSCE (under whom DSSA functioned).

We started low key with some student engagements, attempted a vertical studio, summer programs, documentation camps and kept the centre going through some workshops and pilot projects. Like most of our initiatives it appears to have been ahead of its time but we were glad of the opportunity, particularly since it validates some of our views. For example that as individuals or practitioners we would only be able to go so far in promoting an integrated approach to conservation or stress the need for studies and documentation prior to commencing conservation works or even argue for a research based approach to the whole process.


"Assessment of 2d and 3d documentation techniques towards developing standardised ToR"

(based on Pilot @ Panchalingeshwara temple)

"Capacity Building for Analysis and Investigation of Heritage Buildings"

(our 1st technical workshop)

"Applications of Remote Sensing and GIS to Archaeological Investigations"

(our 2nd technical workshop)

Introduction to CHI
(extract from our prospectus)


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